Poems and Songs of Robert Burns
Robert Burns 42万字 0人读过 连载
关于Poems and Songs of Robert BurnsRobertBurns(1759-1796)(alsoknownasRabbieBurns,Scotlandsfavouriteson,thePloughmanPoet,theBardofAyrshireandinScotlandassimplyTheBard),wasapoetandalyricist.Heis.....
《Poems and Songs of Robert Burns》是Robert Burns精心创作的其他类型,爱梦屋实时更新Poems and Songs of Robert Burns最新章节并且提供无弹窗阅读,书友所发表的Poems and Songs of Robert Burns评论,并不代表爱梦屋赞同或者支持Poems and Songs of Robert Burns读者的观点。
更新时间:2024-12-12 12:33:16
- Glossary
- Banks
- Lewars
- Blast
- Dear
- Lass
- Lewars
- IV.
- Tocher
- Peyster
- Faculty
- Postscript
- 查看全部章节 ↓
- Preface
- Nell
- Day
- Lay
- Farme
- Fragment
- The
- Peggy
- The
- The
- Health
- The
- Alison
- Morison
- Dirge
- An
- Psalm
- Psalm
- Death
- Occasion
- Fragment
- Song
- Sodger
- I
- Lodge
- Farmer
- Ballad
- Th
- Elegy
- Barley
- August
- Song
- Rashes
- Bower-Door
- Fragment
- Tarbolton
- Boghea
- Fathers
- Father
- War
- O
- Rankine
- Dau
- Novels
- Lady
- Airy
- Mauchline
- Polemic
- Squire
- Occasion
- Another
- Chapman
- Rankine
- Death
- Dirge
- Tulyie
- Poet
- Prayer
- Willie
- Hornbook
- B
- Lapraik
- Simson
- Postcript
- Wander
- Part
- Robin
- Ruisseaux
- Kilmarnock
- Fair
- Lapraik
- Mmath
- Davie
- Blooms
- Ballochmyle
- Locks
- Halloween
- Nes
- Innkeeper
- Smith
- Prayer
- Cantata
- That
- Heckle
- Night
- Deil
- Drink
- Saluta
- Dogs
- Prayer
- Ordination
- Smith
- Vision
- Vision
- Rigidly
- Inventory
- House
- Craigen-Gillan
- Bon
- Mores
- Spring
- Daisy,
- Ruin
- Lament
- Ode
- Mauchline,
- Invitation
- Mary?
- O
- Friend
- Beelzebub
- Dream
- Dedication
- Mauchli
- Jame
- Indie
- Eliza
- Epitaph
- Johnie
- Ballochmyle
- Sweetheart
- Publ
- Kennedy
- Banknote
- Naething
- Farewell
- Eleanora.
- Calf
- Poem
- Chalmers
- Fro
- Ayr
- Song
- Roads
- Power
- Ayr
- Toothache
- Daer
- Song
- Elegy
- Epitaph
- Contra
- Logan
- Sensibility
- Night
- Mountains
- Edinburgh
- Haggis
- For
- Sketch
- Dundee
- Session
- Ferguss
- Scott
- No
- Prologue
- Moor-Hen
- A-Hunting
- Inn
- Artist
- Book-Worms
- Martials
- Friend
- S
- Michie
- Woodhous
- Church
- Will
- Lamerton
- Stella
- Inverary
- Scott
- Esq,
- B
- Works
- Ferrier
- Window
- Censo
- Self-Reproof
- Pencil
- Aberfeldy
- Water
- Loch-Nes
- T
- Lament
- Gordon
- Lucky
- Mary
- Albany
- Loch-Turit
- She
- Walk
- Cruikshank
- Devon
- Storms
- Charms
- Rover
- 1787
- Of
- Clarinda
- Friendship
- Care
- Soul
- Yet
- Go
- Farewell
- Charmer
- Hoggie
- Blowing
- Early
- Miller
- Davison
- John
- Awa
- Me
- Past
- Awa
- Clarinda
- Lament
- Parker
- Blaw
- Ain
- Hermitage
- Writer
- Charms
- Champetre
- Fintr
- Returns
- Hill
- Lament
- Leaf
- Bosom
- Syne
- Mary
- Kiss
- Hermitage
- Progress
- 1788
- Husband
- Sign-Posts
- Hairst
- Oswald
- Wanlockhead
- Fragment
- Fause
- Riddell
- Drumlanrig
- Rid
- Ballad
- Cruickshank
- Ann
- Bill
- Glenconner
- Kilmarnock
- Verse
- Hare
- Ode
- Paidle
- Flowers
- Lad
- Nith
- Me
- Secret
- Dunbar
- Lady
- Jo
- Yet
- Glen
- Come
- Sel
- Ot
- Adair
- Peregrination
- Antiquary
- Alarm
- Correspondents
- Favour
- Effusion
- Maut
- Knowes
- Yestreen
- Again
- Sherramuir
- Killiecrankie
- Awa
- Minnie
- Ribband
- Highlands
- Ballad
- Heaven
- Blacklock
- Carlins
- Westerha
- Dumfri
- 1790
- Sutherland
- Gentleman,
- Mare
- Anna
- Postscript
- Hate
- Lawin
- Ballad
- Henderson
- Epitaph
- Grose
- Shanter
- Child
- Monbodd
- A
- Comes
- Forth
- Version
- Version
- Version
- Glencairn
- Bart
- Wood
- Davies
- Davies
- Ma
- Posie
- Chain
- Poetry
- N
- Weaver
- Inn
- Stewart
- Sylvia
- Beaver
- Macnab
- Me
- Jewel
- Tam
- Eliza
- Bell
- Afton
- Thomson
- Hame
- Love
- Nation
- Name
- Crookieden
- Willie
- Terrau
- O
- Death
- Sensibility
- Toadeater
- Lamington
- Keekin-Glass
- Extempore
- Extempore
- Morn
- Sever
- Arrive
- December
- Awa
- Fair
- Poet
- Tow
- Bobbed
- Dearie
- Laddie
- Had
- Ann
- Braes
- Lament
- Lea?
- Daddie
- Exciseman
- Lass
- Wheel
- Love
- Lesley
- Song
- Rig
- Thing
- Mary
- Morris
- Woman
- F
- Thom
- Gray
- Awa
- Ballad
- Love
- Politics
- Water
- Birthday,
- Version
- Version
- Gregory
- Oh
- Jessie
- Mill
- Version
- Return
- 1793
- Natives
- Brains
- Almana
- Victory
- Vi
- Folly
- Excisemen
- Invitation
- Meat
- Meat
- Desertio
- Moor
- Braes
- Hill
- Fair
- Ballad
- ESQ.
- Lap-Dog
- Galloway
- Laggan
- Fair
- Cave
- Stream
- Lad
- Fair
- Breast
- Davie
- Bannockburn
- Arrive
- Davie
- Jamie
- Met?
- Pleasure
- Fair
- Birthday
- Nancy
- Address
- Riddell
- Apology
- Dearie?
- North
- Lincluden
- Vision
- Rose
- Plain
- Cree
- Monody
- Epitaph
- Carriage
- Riddell
- Maria
- Coxb
- Lascelles
- Mossknowe
- Downs
- Riddell
- Inverness
- Darling
- Meal
- Balou
- Lament
- King
- Birthday
- Fintry
- Away
- Versi
- A
- Maxwell
- JN
- Chloris
- Yarico
- Laird,
- Seat
- Falsehood
- Suicide
- Coxb
- Marquis
- Turner
- Peg
- Chloris
- Philly
- Night
- Love
- Mistres
- Life
- Groves
- May
- Locks
- Willy
- Mair
- Stream
- Katie
- Awa
- Tear-Drop
- Somebody
- That
- Wood
- Covenant
- of
- Goblet
- D
- Richardson
- Gracie
- Peg-a-Ramsay
- Hermitage
- Lass
- Gray
- Me
- Aboon
- Gaun
- Ecclefechan
- Night
- Answer
- Town
- Town
- 1795
- Independence
- Ot
- Cuddy
- Me
- Me
- Threat?
- Woodlark
- Ill
- Parents
- Fashion
- Ee
- Myrtle
- Near
- Lover
- Wooer
- Lassie
- Brier
- Cunningham
- Heart
- Inscription
- Lindsay
- Nest
- News
- Mair
- Sweet
- Kiss
- Mitchell
- Postscript
- Faculty
- Peyster
- Tocher
- IV.
- Lewars
- Lass
- Dear
- Blast
- Lewars
- Banks
- Glossary